Landorf, K. & Keenan, M. (2006). Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses to Treat Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Trial. Arch Intern Med; 166:1305-1310.
Formthotics™ improve function and decrease symptoms in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis.
In this robust randomised control trial Formthotics™ were found to be to be a useful modality in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Formthotics™proved to have short term effectiveness, improved general foot function and reduced pain in the sample group . Plantar fasciitis is often treated with foot orthoses; however, studies of the effects of orthoses are generally of poor quality, and to our knowledge, no previous trials have investigated long-term effectiveness.
This peer review research has been described on the Podiatry Arena website as a “Landmark Study” because it is perhaps the most rigorous RCT study yet published in relation to foot orthoses. It was conducted by a multinational and multidisciplinary scientific team of experts in the field of foot orthotic research and was Dr. Landorf’s PHD theseis. This study compared the outcomes achieved with a sham orthotic (placebo), a custom thermoformed but unposted Formthotics™ and a custom casted semi rigid orthotic device. The Formthotics™ were found to the most cost-effective devices and were equally as effective as the more expensive customised devices. Long-term follow-up did not support the view that orthotics have additional long-term beneficial effects in improving function and pain management for plantar fasciitis.